it would be simply impossible for me to put into words of any language how incredible it has been to continuing practicing my linguistic skills over the past year. as we reach the end of my first year at sixth form, i'm no closer to knowing where i will end up later in life, but i hope it won't be dissimilar to the places i've had the privilege of visiting in the past few weeks. if i can be a culture vulture, camera in hand, in as many cities of the world as physically possible, i will be happy.
valencia, spain
living for a week with a spanish family who speak no english past 'hello' was unsurprisingly very difficult, but the people i met whilst there with my friends, and the memories i have will last me forever, not forgetting, of course, the rate at which my language skills improved whilst i was there.
puerto d'addaía, menorca
visiting my house in the mediterranean island of menorca during the easter months was a very interesting experience. take away the hustle and bustle of peak tourism periods, and the island almost felt like home again. despite getting painted crimson by the deceivingly hot midday sun, i had an incredible week of sampling the local alcohol and meeting spanish citizens whilst preparing for my exams. i can't wait to visit again in just under 2 months time with my friends.

arrivals hall in valencia, after losing our baggage

la primera cerveza de valencia (the first beer of valencia)

las fallas, which caused a fire in the town centre

the port of addaía


the sun setting in fornells
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